T W G : Design Journal


Paul Vincent Wiseman signs books at the San Francisco Fall Antique Show
Photos courtesy of ICAA

The San Francisco Fall Antique Show is a venerable fixture on the Bay Area design calendar. The yearly event, the oldest and most prestigious continuously operating international art and antiques show on the West Coast, brings together approximately sixty of the finest dealers across the United States and Europe. The show provides an opportunity for design professionals and their clients to mingle, collect ideas, and make important purchases.

Mr. Wiseman with guest Dana Tananbaum and Kathleen Taylor of The Lotus Collection at the ICAA luncheon

The Institute of Classical Architecture and Art hosts an annual Designer Day Lunch & Lecture at the show. This year they honored Paul Vincent Wiseman, who presented a post-lunch lecture entitled “Mindful Design and the Art of Storytelling." Following the lecture, Mr. Wiseman signed copies of his newly published book, Paul Vincent Wiseman & The Wiseman Group: Inner Spaces. Always a sell-out, this annual fundraiser is an important event for the Northern California Chapter of ICAA. Mark your calendar for next year's event!

Mr. Wiseman sharing in-depth information about three of his firm's projects



James Hunter, Brenda Mickel, and Paul Vincent Wiseman of The Wiseman Group are awarded by Marc Appleton
All photos - Drew Altizer, unless noted otherwise

At a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Northern California Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, The Wiseman Group was given a Julia Morgan Award for their work in interior design. The awards, named for nationally renowned Bay Area architect and classicist Julia Morgan, seek to recognize and laud contemporary excellence in the classical tradition of design. Some of the Bay Area's most creative architects, designers, artisans, and craftsmen as well as local students and patrons were honored at the ceremony, which was held at the beautiful Carolands Chateau in Hillsborough. According to the ICAA's Northern California website, "it is the goal of the Chapter that through continued exposure and recognition, these awards will laud practitioners for their work and educate both laymen and professionals about the enduring excellence, appeal and importance of the classical traditions in design and those who contribute to its advancement."

West façade of the Carolands mansion
Photo - A.R.Deer

The classically appointed Bordeaux Room of the Carolands 

Joel Barkley of Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects and Richard N. Snyder

Ed Hardy and Paul Wiseman

Mark Ferguson of Ferguson Shamamian Architects and board member of the national ICAA with Natalie Jacobs

Paul Wiseman, Elisa Stancil, Kay Evans, Richard Snyder, and Joel Barkley

Architect Andrew Skurman and his wife, Francoise Skurman

Akira Kurihara of Andrew Skurman Architects with Eric Friedman and Mike McDonald of Ryan Associates

Tom Kim, Kevin Peters of The Wiseman Group, and Mike McDonald

John Toya of Ike Kligerman Barkley with Elisa Stancil of Stancil Studios

Brenda Mickel and Paul Ryan of Ryan Associates Construction

James Hunter and Jay Jeffers

Lynn Carey and Kay Evans

Gary Guthrie of Guthrie Group

Stephen Suzman of Suzman Landscape Design, with Tom Kligerman of Ike Kilgerman Barkley

Robert Baird of the Salt Lake City ICAA chapter, Paul Wiseman, and Joel Barkley

Martin Chapman of the Fine Arts Museums, SF, with Adrian Taylor of Hyde Park Mouldings

Elizabeth Everdell, Coby Everdell, and Kristin Haller

Pamela Babey and Brenda Mickel

Jessica Barnard and Anna Sweeney of The Wiseman Group

Daryl Davis and Julia Morgan Awards juror, Robert Davis

Shay Zak of Zak Architecture with Mary Moore

James Marzo, Ugo Sap, Elizabeth Everdell, and Coby Everdell

John Davis with Jason Powers of ZFA Structural Engineers

Greg McIntyre of Shears & Window with Suzanne Tucker, Event Chairperson

Natalie Jacobs, Mark Ferguson, and Marc Appleton

Brenda Mickel and her husband, Ned Mobley

Martin Chapman of the Fine Art Museums of San Francisco

Mark Ferguson awarding Andrew Skurman

Philippe Grandvoinet, decorative painter, and Suzanne Tucker of Tucker & Marks

Patrons John and Cynthia Gunn receiving a Julia Morgan Award for their support of ICAA

John Gunn, Andrew Skurman, Cynthia Gunn, and Peter Lyden, President of ICAA national

James Hunter, Cynthia Gunn, and Paul Wiseman

James Marzo of Marzo Design with Richard Beard of B.A.R. Architects

Cristiane Turl with Jessica Barnard of The Wiseman Group

Kathleen Taylor of The Lotus Collection with Paul Wiseman