T W G : Design Journal


TWG Design Principal James Hunter with Jay Jeffers

San Francisco-based interior designer Jay Jeffers celebrated the release of his new book, Jay Jeffers: Collected Cool (Rizzoli), and many of The Wiseman Group staff were in attendance. The launch party was held Thursday, March 27 at the new pop-up accessories shop Cavalier@Coup located inside Coup d’Etat. By all reports, the event was a big success...

Jay Jeffers

Jay Jeffers signing copies of his book

Carrie Swing of TWG and Kaylee Witworth

Samantha Schiff (TWG Assistant Designer), Kalyee Whitworth, and Kelsey Mazzotta (TWG Assistant Designer)

Suzanna Allen (former Personal Assistant to Paul Wiseman) and Kevin Peters (TWG CEO and CFO)

Kevin Peters with designer Scot Meacham Wood

Sadie Darsie, Chase Roberson, Shannon Jue (of TWG) and Debbie Gray of De Sousa Hughes Showroom
James Hunter and John Toya of Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects enjoy a moment with other party attendees



Front entry area with large pivoting door

The Wiseman Group was recently invited for cocktails at the Hillsborough residence of clients of the firm. The occasion: the completion of the design project's furniture installation. The hosts wanted to share their lovely home with the staff and show their appreciation for a job well done. Design Principal James Hunter lead the creative team with assistance from Designer Luis Alves, both of whom were on hand to answer questions and show everyone around.

Library furniture installed, with finishing accessories soon to come

Seating near the living room fireplace with additional decorative elements yet to be installed

Seating by the fireplace accented with pillows in Fortuny's Shanti pattern

Panel above fire place raised to reveal a flat screen television

Small patio outside of the master bedroom suite, featuring a black oval soaking tub

Master bathroom vanity

Guest bathroom shower

The clients have a preference for modern design, evident in the home's architecture and in their choice of furniture and fixtures. The house was completely remodeled (by Charlie Barnett Associates) to increase a feeling of interior spaciousness. In spite of the large size of the great room, which combines the kitchen, dining area, and seating near the fireplace, the house feels warm and comfortable -- much to the credit of the design staff.

Design Principal James Hunter flanked by the client and her neighbor, also a client of TWG

The client with CEO Kevin Peters

President Paul Wiseman and Design Principal Brenda Mickel

Designer Luis Alves and Kevin Peters

Designers Kelsey Mazzotta and Victoria Reynolds with attorney Richard Snyder

Designers Jessica Barnard, Anna Sweeney, and Victoria Reynolds

Accounting Manager Eloisa Saquilayan, Designer Marilyn Autry, and PVW Assistant Chase Roberson

Kevin Peters with (from left) Designers Anna Sweeney, Lauren Daley, Marilyn Autry, Sadie Darsie, and Kelsey Mazzotta

The staff enjoyed seeing the project firsthand and appreciated the gracious manner in which the clients showed TWG their thanks!
