T W G : Design Journal


The Wiseman Group is pleased and honored that its recently released book,

Inner Spaces: Paul Vincent Wiseman and The Wiseman Group

, has been rated by


 as one of the season’s best design books. Noted journalist Wendy Moonan, who covers stories on architecture, design, art and antiques, writes about the book in


(December 2014), the site's online magazine. According to Moonan, Mr. Wiseman "embodies a rare combination of an open mind coupled with an uncommon sophistication, and in his custom work, he is like a couture designer: Everything always looks just right."

Inner Spaces

was authored by Brian Coleman with photography by Matthew Millman.


Brian Coleman, Matthew Millman, and Paul Wiseman pulling hard duty in Hawaii

The Wiseman Group team has been hard at work finalizing details for the launch of their new book, Inner Spaces: Paul Vincent Wiseman & The Wiseman Group. Author Brian Coleman, photographer Matthew Millman, and TWG president Paul Vincent Wiseman recently traveled to Hawaii to create images and text for this stunning property included in the book.

Clearly a successful (and enviable) trip...

Inner Spaces may be pre-ordered at Amazon.com



The Wiseman Group is in the process of creating its first book of interior design. Author Brian Coleman will be writing the text and photograper Matthew Millman will be capturing the interiors. Stay posted for news of this project as it moves forward. Publication is slated for fall of 2014...

Photographer Matthew Millman and author Brian Coleman on location in NYC
Photo - Paul Wiseman



This past fall, The Wiseman Group hosted a book-signing party for author Zahid Sardar and photographer Matthew Millman. Their new book, West Coast Modern: Architecture, Interiors, and Design, had just been published, and TWG wanted to help celebrate the occasion - especially since a beautiful TWG-designed interior graces the cover!

Potographer Matthew Millman and author Zahid Sardar at TWG

The TWG Potrero Hill office was the site of the open house. Guests arrived to drinks and hors d'oeuvres and were free to roam the design firm's offices. Well-wishers, colleagues, and clients attended the event. At one point there was standing room only. A successful evening by any measure!

Guests Valera Lyles and Richard N. Snyder arriving at TWG

Brenda Mickel, Design Principal, explaining design elements of a TWG work in progress

James Hunter, Design Principal at TWG, enjoying a moment with Matthew Millman

Paul Ryan, Ryan Associates Construction, and daughter Rachael

Paul with client Claire Stull

Aleck Wilson of Aleck Wilson Architects with Paul

Zahid and Matthew busy signing books

Standing room only

Todd Cole of Strata Landscape and architect Karin Payson

SF designer Jay Jeffers  with Paul

Zahid with Margy Boyd, founding president of the Modern Art Council at SFMOMA
and former head of Art Tours at the museum

Matt with decorator Kathy Geissler Best

Paul with architect Scott Baughman of Charlie Barnett Associates

Paul with designer Martha Angus and Eche Martinez of Martha Angus Inc.

Guest Ali Razavi with Sadie Darsie, TWG Assistant Designer

Paul with Greg Warner, Walker Warner Architects

Paul surrounded by staff (from left):
Marilyn Autry (Assistant Designer), Heather Queen (Administrative Assistant), Anna Sweeney (Designer),  Lauren Daley (Senior Designer), Shannon Jue (Senior Designer), and Carrie Swing (Librarian)

Matthew, Paul, and Zahid celebrating a successful evening